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Thursday, January 9, 2014

Tutorial: How to Fix Evasi0n7 Configuring System 2/2 Error

I got an iPad Retina WIFI (iOS 7.0.4), and I failed jailbreaking it with Evasi0n7 1.0.2 (beta) for no less than 20 times! Stuck in Configuring System 2/2Tried all the possible ways like "disable the passcode" or something. Still failed. Completely frustrated. I got a Windows 7 32bit PC with 4GB RAM.

But I remembered this tweet:

So ’ suggestion of using a faster machine fixed my getting stuck at Configuring System 2/2 issue. Had to bump up my VM specs.

So, I think Configuring System 2/2 needs much more RAM than 4GB. Then I upgrade my PC to Windows 7 64bit PC with 12GB RAM. I tried again, Configuring System 2/2 passed like magic in 20 seconds!!!

To put it in a nutshell, if you stuck in Configuring System 2/2 again and again, please make sure your Windows PC meets the requirements below:

1. 64bit
2. At least 8GB RAM (since 32bit PC supports 4GB RAM in maximum)