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Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Victorious LDOCE5 Example Sounds Download!

Server errors is what I encountered when downloading example sounds file since English Channel Inc. launched version 6 of the world-renowned LDOCE (InApp/Plus) - Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, Fifth Edition!

LDOCE has become my favorite English dictionary iOS App because it offers a total size of 1.02 GB of offline example sentence download! I always experienced slow sentence audio downloading of over 20 seconds since my first day using LDOCE version 1.0. LDOCE even flash quits without any reason.

Try LDOCE5 in Mdict (both audible words and example sentences FREE )
I do not want it to be slow, so I paid $1 USD for a complete download of the whole example sentence audio, hoping for a non-lagging, non-freezing, non-server erroring user experience.

Unfortunately, English Channel Inc. failed me again by offering slow Internet downloading experience, the speed of which is under 50KB/S. That is to say, Finishing the download takes over 6 hours theoretically, and it even re-download the same file again and again because of the notorious server errors. Fails, fails is what I can said.

They said it happens because of my poor Internet access. Then I am wondering why within ONE hour I can successfully download BOTH BrE Spoken Sentences AND NAmE Spoken Sentences (total size of nearly 900MB) of OALD 8 - Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, Eighth Edition! So I predicted that there must be something tricky about the server of English Channel Inc., causing countless server errors and freezing your iPad and iPhone, though they refuse to admit it.

I spent almost 8 hours (except re-downloading and manually proceed) to download this 1.02 GB of offline example file into my iOS device. Hopefully and finally, English Channel Inc.(not ME) has made it. After a successful download, the LDOCE5 app itself will automatically install them, or you can manually move /LDOCE.dbpkg from /tmp to /Library/Contents folder. 10 files below are in /Database of /LDOCE.dbpkg.

LDOCE5 (InApp/Plus) - Example Sounds Download, 6.0

LDOCE (InApp/Plus) - Example Sounds Download, 6.0

崩溃,闪退,服务器出现问题,朗文离线例句发音下载, 當機, 連線錯誤, flash quit

If you have LDOCE (InApp/Plus) installed both in your iPhone and iPad, you can use only one device to download example sounds files, because downloading the same files on two devices won't save your time. After you have downloaded, you can copy these example sounds files to the target folder (/Library/Contents) of the other device.

For those who always fails, please make sure you have an Internet access of over 400MB/s, the download speed of Google Inc, USA. Then you will download this 1.02 GB of offline example sentence file in only 3 seconds! Cheers!!

But if you want to try other alternatives for the example sounds, LDOCE5 in Mdict is a must-have for you.